About Us
Our “Cause”
DanceAndMarriage is dedicated to one of the greatest causes of all: helping to build strong families, relationships, and marriages with the Bible as a guidebook and Ballroom Dancing as a metaphor.
In this site, along with our Facebook, twitter, and other feeds, we encourage, inform, and discuss the greatest of relationships, marriage. We provide blog posts, book references, and many other resources to help you on this marvelous journey. And not to leave out Ballroom Dancing – the greatest of all sports metaphors to illustrate the ideas of marriage and relationships, and something to provide great recreation and enjoyment.
This is not a marriage counseling site, it is a marriage education site. It is designed to help you make the right decisions in your relationships and marriage.
If you feel your marriage is in serious trouble, we encourage you to seek professional and Biblical guidance from a professional.
The Biblical Reasons We Do This
It’s important to understand the reasons and justifications for what we do. The advice we give should be based on sound Biblical concepts, not just “human viewpoint” or “feel good advice”. We believe that marriage between a man and a woman is a Divine Institution, meant for the good of the human race. Therefor it works for everyone, not just Christians. But since God came up with it, and wrote the book on it, it works better when He is at the center of it. Here are some of the primary reasons we are doing this:
The Background
My wife Sheila and I have been married for over 45 years, and been dancing together over 10. But at my age, I’ve had to decide where I’m going with Ballroom Dancing. I don’t have the years or finances ahead of me to become serious about competition (it’s an expensive sport), and frankly, I’m not that interested in it. Neither do I have the desire to burn off the next several years buying lessons and dancing socially with no real goal. So I’ve examined my strengths and desires to see what works, and found I have several things working in my favor:
A strong Christian faith, with good training
A wonderful wife and marriage
I’m a good dance teacher
I have strong desire to help younger couples in their journey through relationships, love, and marriage
I have a strong belief in the “Millennial” generation – their potential, their goodness, and their future
With these in mind, I decided that the future for me holds the mission of using these things to reach out to younger couples to encourage them, guide them, and tell them about one two of God’s greatest gifts – salvation in Jesus Christ, and marriage. My preferred method for this is using Ballroom Dancing as a metaphor because it fits so well. And it’s FUN!
The Methods
In today’s world, we have more opportunity than ever before to get this good news into the hands of those who are hungry for it. We invite you to follow us in several ways, including:
Websites such as this (and others)
Social Media
Face-to-face dance classes that teach and illustrate the Biblical principles
Printed media